Steve jobs 2015 soundtrack
Steve jobs 2015 soundtrack

steve jobs 2015 soundtrack

Winslet gets a couple of great speeches, which she delivers with convincing power, totally unsurprisingly.

steve jobs 2015 soundtrack

Through it all is Kate Winslet as Joanna Hoffman, Jobs’ calm yet forceful right-hand woman and a much-needed voice of reason. He doesn’t care whether you like him, and that’s exciting. He never flinches from the arrogant and repulsive elements of this man’s behavior, but there’s an intensity to his presence and a directness in his eyes that make him not just compelling but commanding. Fassbender has never shied away from playing damaged or difficult characters-“Shame,” “ 12 Years a Slave,” even the “ X-Men” prequels as a young Magneto-but here, he has the added challenge of playing a revered, real-life figure over the span of 14 years, from long hair and bow tie to glasses and dad jeans. (All three actresses playing Lisa at various ages give smart, distinctive performances, by the way- Makenzie Moss at 5, Ripley Sobo at 9 and Perla Haney-Jardine at 19.)Īnd of course, there is Fassbender himself, who doesn’t really resemble Jobs in any physical way but rather embodies his drive, his restlessness. They include Apple co-founder and old friend Steve Wozniak (played with great intelligence and pathos by Seth Rogen) Apple CEO John Sculley ( Jeff Daniels), the one-time father figure who would gain infamy for eventually firing Jobs and Chrisann Brennan ( Katherine Waterston), Jobs’ ex-girlfriend and the mother of his daughter, Lisa, whom he long refused to acknowledge as his or support financially. But he couldn’t control who was going to come at him in the moments before he took the stage, or what they would say, or what they would want, or how they would dare to invade his formidable brain to wreak havoc when all he wanted to do was maintain his carefully crafted façade of Zen cool.

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He insisted on micromanaging the tiniest details of his presentations-making sure the console was a perfect black cube, down to the millimeter, at the 1988 launch of his failed company, NeXT, or cajoling underlings to ignore fire code by shutting off the exit signs in the theater in hopes of achieving a dramatic darkness for his unveilings.

steve jobs 2015 soundtrack

Danny Boyle’s thrilling film, which takes place behind the scenes at three key product launches during the late Jobs’ career, begins with the Apple co-founder freaking out minutes before introducing the Macintosh in 1984 because his team couldn’t get it to say “hello.” It was nitpicky and obsessive-qualities he was famous for-but he was also onto something, as we now know: this idea of technology serving as a constant and comforting companion.Īll of which makes the fact that he was so coldly dismissive to the real-life people closest to him-the people who actually loved him-such a fascinating contradiction, one of many that Boyle, writer Aaron Sorkin and star Michael Fassbender explore with great ambition and élan.

Steve jobs 2015 soundtrack